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Why do we have 2 lungs?

  Introduction: We have two lungs because our forefathers had two arms. The original ape-men probably didn't have any lungs at all, they might have been like the common Chimpanzee – that has well-developed lungs with no hemoglobin and no blood vessels – but only a heart. Their lungs were the simple sacks of air found in the mouth, nose, and ears of mammals today which would have been more for breathing in oxygen than for moving it around their bodies. Our ancestors used this to breathe underwater and on land. When they began walking upright, these 'breathing chambers' expanded into enormous balloon-like snouts stretching out from their face, each containing an air sac containing about two gallons of air per pint of blood if you know how much blood an adult male weighs so there are between 0.96 gallons (1.7 liters) in me at high tide and 0) The reason why mammals have 2 lungs is that they developed from amphibians, which also have 2 lungs. The difference between lu...

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